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Finding Peace in the Chaos

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Does it feel to anyone else like chaos is amped up right now? It does to me. But it doesn't mean that just because there is chaos that we have to be whirled around by it. 

I read something recently that said, "Don't let insecure thoughts ruin something amazing." Insecure thoughts. Unstable thoughts. Thoughts you cannot trust. What might they ruin that's so amazing? Everything. Every single day that we're given is chalk full of amazing, and insecurity is trying to steal that. Another day spent in anxiety and insecurity is another gift wasted. 

We're promised to be anchored in the waves. We're promised to be on firm foundation. But our thoughts have to be in line with that for that to be our reality. We have to refuse to take hold of insecure thoughts as our own and, instead, hold tight to secure, safe, and solid thoughts. We are not insecurity, our thoughts are. We make the choice to be in the realm of thinking that is peace-producing. 

I say we start following and standing in security and start recognizing it as a choice. I say we refuse to fall prey to the belief that what are at anyone's expense, that our lives or feelings are in anyone else's hands. It isn't true unless the power is given by you. So choose the peace in everything. That's how you find the peace: You choose it. 

Photo Story: So my little one went on an adventure around the yard with my phone camera in hand, and I found her photos quite beautiful and moving. Seeing things from that young perspective can be quite insightful. This photo is one of them, and it's one of my favorites. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I love it. And! I find peace in looking at it.  

x Keely


The Land of the Living

The Land of the Living

Peering In: Jace Reese

Peering In: Jace Reese