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Fueling Surrender

Fueling Surrender

If you just sit beside the ocean, it's very peaceful and sweet. You can feel the calming affect that it has over your senses. It isn't until you get into the water that you start to feel and understand its power. 

I've found this to be true about God, as well. You can absolutely be nearby and receive all the peace that you need to go on. I also think that if you decide to step into who He/She is you'll begin to understand there's a much bigger work than you could experience than by staying on the outskirts. To be clear, I'm not saying either is right or wrong. And I also think there's a time for both. I think we miss out on the wholeness of who He/She is whenever we just sit back at a distance. 

Which brings me to surrender. In order to begin to experience His/Her power in our lives, we have to let go of the reins a little bit or maybe even all the way. I'm not saying it's easy, but I do think surrender is fueled by trust. If you take that first little toe dip of trust, you'll find you will want to plunge into it. That's because He/She is worthy of our trust; He/She will not let you fall. 

There are lots of religious voices that make this sound like it isn't fun or that it is full of rules, but that is a misrepresentation. Don't let those voices be your fuel for anything. Find out for yourself.

We all have that real voice under all the thoughts and opinions that gives you an unction of what you should be doing. Sometimes it even seems kind of crazy, doesn't it? Begin to listen to that voice. It's going to get you out of the place you're in. That's why it's there; it wants you safe, and it wants you happy. The voice is kind of like the waves bouncing off of you trying to get your attention or redirect you. If you stop fighting the waves so hard, I think you'll find that you float. 

All the good stuff to you, my loves. 

x Keely

Photo Story: I've started a new venture: Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. This past week began my journey. The program was on Whidbey Island, Washington. The whole experience was magical or what I like to call spiritual. One of the days I was sitting on some drift wood in prayer. I had previously asked (in my prayers) if I could see a seal in the water while I was there. As I was staring down at all of the different colors of stones, I decided to look up to find a seal staring back at me. She started looking around and went back under. You ask and you receive, friends. 

Living Without Condition

Living Without Condition

Finding Resolve

Finding Resolve