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Peering In: Jace Reese

Peering In: Jace Reese

Peering In is a section of the blog where guest writers come to share their voice. 

Jace is an amazing young person who has challenged what it means to be a brave thirteen-year-old. She has wisdom and gumption well beyond her time, and I am honored to have her guest writing this week. Check out more of her writing here: http://oregoncountyoptimist.weebly.com/

Be Yourself

"By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before." -Edwin Elliot

When Keely asked me to write something for her blog, I was thrilled! I just had no idea what to write about. Since my mission statement is "be positive," I went to Pinterest and searched for "positive quotes." The first one that popped up was this one, and it just really spoke to my heart. 

At Alton, in first grade every year during our Awards Day, the teachers put together a little slideshow about the students that year. One of the questions for the slideshow was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" At first, when Ms. Janes asked me, I said, "Teacher." I mean, that's a pretty generic answer for a 7-year-old. My mom and dad had both been teachers (but at the time moved up to higher positions,) and both of my grandmas were teachers at Alton for 30+ years. My great-grandma used to be a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse. So sure, I was bound to be a teacher. 

Then I heard that everyone else chose to be teacher, too. I remember my little brain decided that my job choice needed to stand out from the other ones, and so I thought that I would be the first woman president of the United States. Little did I know, that decision would be one that might just shape my life. 

In second grade, I still hadn't given up on my dream, and when our career day came in Mrs. Reeves' class, I was dressed up as a president and gave my first "presidential speech." In third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade, I still hadn't lost my motivation. 

Last year, seventh grade came. I decided that I'd might as well run for Missouri Junior Beta President. I didn't win, but I became incredibly inspired by it. I started Oregon County Optimist blog, and I've been encouraged by so many wonderful people in my community. 

Be the person you want to be. Don't let anyone or anything influence you into thinking that you have to be a certain person. Just be you. Believe me, it's really hard to be yourself in the destructive world we live in today. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me that my dream was "too big" or that there is no way I will ever become the first woman president. One of my favorite quotes is, "You say I dream too big. I say you think too small." 

One day, all of your hard work and faith is going to pay off. I don't believe in destiny. I believe that you can choose who you want to be, and if you hustle enough then you can be that person you strive to be. 

God made us all different for a reason, and He wants us to share our gift. I know that mine is writing, and I hope to inspire others with my gift. So please, don't be afraid to be yourself and work like crazy in the pursuit of becoming a better you! 

Thanks for reading! 

With love,


Finding Peace in the Chaos

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Interior Bookstore