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A Moldy Awakening

A Moldy Awakening

So I have a strange story for you. A couple of days ago I was standing in my room and had a strong urge to go look behind my washer. I had felt this a couple of times before, but I just thought it was a weird thought. The urge got a lot louder, so I started to realize that it was an outside voice. (For the record, it is not in my personality to look behind things because frankly, there's not a large knowledge-base for the mechanical within this mind. And to be honest, I'm not really sure of the last time I looked behind my washer.) I ran into the laundry room to just get the peek over with, assuming it was my mind being silly, and saw mold growing on my wall. I was in total amazement. My hot water heater had been leaking onto my wall and caused a wet wall, which led to mold growth. 

We were able to stay at another house before the mold really started to grow. I came back just a couple of days later with a repairman, and it had really spread. You see, my bedroom shares a wall with the laundry room, so by this point, it had come to my side of the wall right beside where my head would be at night, right beside where my little girl crawls in with me in the middle of the night to lay her head beside mine. I really was in awe. We hadn't even gotten to the point of sickness because it was caught as it was starting to grow. 

Why am I sharing this story? You know, I believe that there is a God who is trying to speak to us constantly. I also believe when we start to be better listeners He/She guides us into safety, into joy, and into peace. Not because we agreed to listen but because He/She's been speaking all along. God speaks to me in many different ways, and that urge probably would have been something easy to slough off. Pay attention to the little things. Pay attention to the big things. Even if it feels silly, just see where listening takes you. It could very well be for your protection, but even more than that, it could be because there's someone who cares enough to show you.

x Keely 

Photo Story: Once upon a time, I went to see Neuschwanstein, and on my way up saw this breath-taking view. This backpacking trip that landed us here was full of those moments of God taking care of us. For example, and I may have shared this before, we had arrived in Switzerland in a city that we'd never been to in the midst of a language we didn't speak in the pouring down rain with heavy backpacks on our backs without directions to our hostel we couldn't remember the name of. We ran to the closest restaurant and tried to say (in English) that we were looking for a hostel, which was a pretty generic and unhelpful request. There are quite a few hostels in each city so just to ask for hostel was not likely to get us too far. The sweet woman who spoke no English handed us an umbrella and pointed us in one direction, using mostly body language. We deducted what we could from what she was telling us and ended up right in front of our hostel within 15 minutes, only a few streets over. (We were heading in the wrong direction by the way.) How she knew where we were going when we didn't even know where we were going is beyond me and a sweet little miracle if you ask me. 

Keep the Pace

Keep the Pace

Clear Decisions

Clear Decisions