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Instructions Are Coming Soon

Instructions Are Coming Soon

Many of us have these desires in our hearts that we just aren't sure what to do with. There are these things we so desperately want, but we just don't know how to get there. 

This rhetoric can be frustrating. We're drowning in language that tells us Anything can happen! And it's disappointing. You believe with your whole heart that it will, then it doesn't. What is that about anyway? 

People are missing an important piece to that message. Actions are required. You see, we don't live in a passive world where things just happen. We live in a world where we must be actively engaged. We're seeing this more and more. Politically, we're finally waking up to see that we're going to have to be in this thing if we care what happens to the state of our cities, our states, our countries, our world. I don't mean this in a scary, you-can't-trust-anyone way. I mean this in a way that says take charge of what's happening around you. Stop letting life happen to you. 

So what does this have to do with desires in my heart? Everything. When you have something stirring inside of you that you want to happen, there is action attached to that. Every. Time. It's not just any ole action, either. There are specific actions that you'll need to take, which means you're going to have to listen. 

I know you know that voice because we have these conversations all of the time. We say things like: I knew I wasn't supposed to go into that store, but I did it anyway. I should have just listened. Or: He just gave me a bad feeling; I'm glad I didn't make that deal. Those sorts of things. 

It takes some practice, but it will lead you right where that heart of yours wants to go. And when you start listening to the small things, you're going to start becoming a better listener. And when you become a better listener, you're going to start heading toward the bigger things.  So when the voice starts talking, start giving that dollar to the man outside the grocery store; start entering into that race because you just knew you should; start introducing yourself to the stranger that for some reason you're drawn to. There might just be something to all of it. 

Let me give you a bizarre story to ponder on. Recently, I was on a trip and around this person I had never met before. For some embarrassing reason, I saw this tiny bird in my mind whenever I was with her, and I kept feeling like I should just share that with her. Now let me tell you, I felt a little crazy because I had no idea what the heck that could possibly mean. But I did. I told her because that voice kept saying to. As soon as I shared it with her, she began to weep and explained that this had very specific meaning to her. She very quickly became a close friend to me. 

So you see, these feelings aren't just about us getting the things and acquiring more things. They're about all of us. They're about taking care of one another. And it makes the place we live better because of all of us being in that sweet flow of listening. 

I'm here to tell you that those desires are in there for a very specific and real reason. There's nothing wrong with having all of those things inside of us. We're supposed to. 

So start listening. Instructions are coming soon. 

Photo Story: I woke from a nap on an airplane and saw this magnificent view. There is no real story behind it, except that it came at time that I needed to see something like this more than I even knew. According to iPhone location, this is Enumclaw, which I think is a city in Washington. I'm not sure about the name of this specific mountain. Nonetheless, it is stunning. Beyond grateful for beauty. 

x Keely

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