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Where Are Your Expectations?

Where Are Your Expectations?

One of the biggest causes of heartbreak has a lot to do with our expectations. 

You know, expectations seem to go either way--in total extremes. We either shut them completely off so we don't have to feel disappointment or we have these unrealistic, unattainable, unfair expectations (typically toward people) that leave all involved feeling pretty woozy and dejected. 

What happens whenever you decide to turn your expectations completely off? Without expectation at all, it's hard to feel joy. Wrapped up in expectation is hope. If you stop experiencing hope, you stop being present in life. You kind of shut down. It just hurts too badly. 

On the other hand, if your expectations for yourself or someone else is hitting on perfection, no one will ever life up to it. We just can't, and you're right, you probably will end up disappointed. If you start to keep your expectations on yourself carried with the utmost love, you'll start to experience joy again. Be gentle with you. Be gentle with others. Let your expectations for yourself be to always do whatever you're doing in love. 

I do believe that what our focus is on is what our life will be. If we expect the worst, a lot times the worst will simply start to show up everywhere. If we expect that there will be heartache and hurt at times (and believe that experiencing pain isn't life-shattering, anyway) but there will be so much good along the way, you're going to see a lot of good coming your way. Create your expectation out of wisdom, love, and a touch of belief in the impossible at times. 

Expectations are so important. I think we all need to take the positive up a few notches. Believe for bigger and better and still more, because when we do our part and keep our focus where it belongs, your expectations will be met and truly life in general will just start to expand. 

Photo Story: I took this photo in 2008 whenever my very best friend and I trekked from Columbia, MO to St. Louis, MO to hear who would be come President Obama. His whole message was hope. Try to take away any negative or positive connotation you have for this man for a minute. We were inspired. Being in a place with that kind of energy and hope was energetic. I'm honored to have seen him, and it was so fun to share with my closest friend in what was a actually a pretty intimate crowd. 

x Keely

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