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Living Dreams: DeeDee and Ed Button

Living Dreams: DeeDee and Ed Button

This section is called Living Dreams. So often I meet people that I'm intrigued by. Just by speaking with them, I think, "You're living your life, not anyone else's, but the one you're supposed to be living." I'd like to introduce you to some of these most wonderful people, too. It may be their philosophy on life, their love, their passion. You don't have to agree with or like everything that everyone says. The point of this is not to reaffirm everything we already believe but instead challenge us to new heights. Hopefully, we engage an open heart where people are free to be different and not a threat, thus shaping us into more loving people.

So I'm serious, people. No rude and mean comments; I will delete them. Show each of our guests all of the respect. You can still walk away with your beliefs in tact; no one is asking you to throw them away--only asking you to listen with love.

This week I talked with one of my favorite couples. I could easily interview the two of them individually and enjoy it just as much, but they are an incredible couple. I think we need to see more incredible couples thriving in this world. They are jovial, kind, warm, intelligent, hilarious, and giving--all wrapped in one inspiring duo. I want this kind of love for everyone. I just know you'll love them as much as I do. 

Keely: Hello! So I think you two are awesome. (You probably get tired of me saying that.) My favorite question to start these conversations with is this: What do you love--individually and together? 

Ed: Never get tired of it. Don't worry. 

Where do I start? I love DeeDee, obviously. And our dogs. They make my life complete, and they always keep things exciting. She's been an amazing wife the four years we've been married, and I couldn't have picked a better one, I don't think. 

I love spending time with friends and family. I think having that support system is extremely important. 

I love my job. I feel like I'm doing what I was meant to do. 

I love my job entails me meeting new people. When I was a teenager I was quite the introvert and didn't care for meeting or talking to new people. So I love that that part of my life is behind me. 

I love the feeling of accomplishment at the end of a day of work, even if I didn't get everything done. And that happens. 

I love my hobbies: playing video games, collecting comics. Having dabbled in creating a game and having no artistic ability, I think, allows me to appreciate them more than I used to. 

I love the first sip of coffee in the morning, some of the sunrises I've seen going into work are breathtaking. 

I love a nice, thick flank steak. Medium.

DeeDee: Where do I begin? Obviously this guy's bald head is something I love most in this world. He's my best friend and can make me laugh harder than anyone or anything. Spending time with our three dogs is also very important to me. They each have a unique personality, but they're so much fun! Volunteering for causes I believe are also near to my heart, as well as, fresh guacamole. Nothing beats fresh guacamole.

Keely: You two are awesome. (Oops! There I go again.) Those are incredible loves, guys. Something about people who have hearts for animals somehow translates into greater goodness all around. So how did you two cuties meet? 

DeeDee: It was the best, most random thing to ever happen. We met at a house party. I had just sworn off men and he had just moved here from St. Louis. We spent the entire night talking outside until early morning. The rest is history. 

Keely: And how quickly did you know it is your forever person? 

Ed: I had a pretty good feelings about two months in. 

DeeDee: Pretty early on. 

Keely: The best couples always do! Do you guys use the word soulmate? Because I basically would use that for you two. 

DeeDee: We do now. It wasn't something I thought existed until I met this fella. 

Keely: It's incredible. 

How did you guys know this was something different than anything else? I'm sure it's obvious to you, but to a lot of us observing you guys have something special. Not everyone ends up with that kind of special thing you two carry. Can you explain what's different--what makes it so special to you two? 

DeeDee: I feel like what makes us so special is that it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. We have moments when we drive each other crazy. It isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. 

Ed: Previous relationships I'd been in, short as they were, felt fleeting. Like, I knew they were doomed from the start, and I kind of went into them with that in my mind. This one didn't feel that way. 

And yeah, we drive each other bonkers occasionally. But that's life. 

DeeDee: Bonkers is a good way to put it. Haha

Keely: Bonkers is good. Bonkers means you're still in the game. 

So what are some of your favorite things about one another?

DeeDee: This guy has an ability to make me laugh like nothing else. His sense of humor definitely played a role in that initial attraction. He also has a strong work ethic, which I love. He has this amazing zest for life and such a kind heart about him that I just can't get enough of. Plus, he's pretty cute. 

Ed: I tend to over-analyze things. I like calling it "being a realist," but I do tend to focus on the negative aspects of things. She balances me out. 

She also has the biggest heart I've ever seen--she always puts others (and animals) above herself. 

She definitely keeps me young. I've never laughed as hard as I have when I'm around her. 

To this day, some 4.5 years into the marriage and almost 8 years into the relationship, she always finds ways to surprise me. Whether it's things that she plans for the future or ideas to help in the present, it's never a dull moment. 

DeeDee: Aww. And did I mention he's sweet? 

Ed: Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation to uphold. 

DeeDee: Your secret is safe with me. 

Ed: Probably shouldn't say all of this in front of the writer. 

Keely: You two are adorable! Seriously! As a couple, you stand for some pretty amazing thing together in the social justice arena. What are some of your favorite causes to share together? And do you think these things strengthen your royal coupledom? 

DeeDee: Oooh. "Royal Coupledom." I like that! Haha.

Ed and I love finding ways to get more and more involved, especially in our community. From helping fundraise for various organizations to getting our home ready for foster care, we're trying to do our part to throw kindness around like confetti. I definitely feel like being involved politically and in different social programs help bring us closer together. 

Ed: I try to live by the golden rule of "treat others the way you'd want to be treated." It can be hard sometimes, but I think it's the best way to live life. As far as favorite causes, I don't know if we have one, really. We've recently been getting more involved in local programs and causes, because I think we both believe change begins at home. Life isn't easy, but if we can make it just a little bit easier for others, I feel we're serving our purpose here. 

Keely: Yeah, I really think that's beautiful. Do you guys have good starting points for people who want to begin to get involved but aren't sure where to even begin? 

DeeDee: Your community is the best place to start. Seek out causes you believe in, attend meetings, ask how you can be more involved. Change starts at home. 

Ed: Exactly. Ask on Facebook or your social media of choice if anyone is involved in civic groups and what they do. Maybe search them out. Keep an ear to your radio and your eyes on your local paper and find out about group events. 

Keely: Well, you two do a great job of keeping your social circles informed via social media. It's wonderful. Would you say the two of you have a spirituality? 

DeeDee: In a religious sense, not really. But we live our lives by doing the right thing, giving back to our community, and just trying to be good people. We try and live our lives by the Golden Rule. 

Ed: Personally, I'm not. I used to be, in a religious sense. But life happened and things changed. At the same time though, it's hard to not believe in destiny and all of that when we look at each other. I had just got out of a relationship before moving down to West Plains and she had just got out of one right before we met. 

DeeDee: That's so sweet. 

Keely: You're wonderful people! Wonderful! 

Ha! Seriously! So sweet! 

So what is the best advice you think you two have for other couples who want to be as rad of a couple as you are? 

Ed: Find someone you're compatible with. You don't have to agree on everything. But you should on important things. If you don't like the person you're with, then what's the point? 

DeeDee: What he said. We definitely don't agree on everything. I'd also add that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. At the end of the day, nothing will ever be perfect. Find someone who shares the same passions, makes you laugh until your stomach hurts, someone respectful, and someone you can grow with. That's all anyone needs. 

Keely: Well, I'm beyond happy you two found one another. The world is a better place (on many levels) because you decided to go to a house party one night. Is there anything else you'd like to add or promise or just mention before we wrap this up? 

Ed: Thank you for doing this. I think we have something amazing and special. I'm glad other people seem to see that and enjoy it. 

DeeDee: Yes! Thank you, Keely! I really enjoy your blog so it'll be neat to have our story be a part of it. 

Keely: I'm so honored to know you and get to share your story a little bit! Love you both! Thank so much!

I feel some sort of maternal pride in the two of them. I love who they are in all their realness, honesty, and sincerity. Someday we'll have to speak with them individually... or maybe as a couple again. You can find some of Ed's local news pieces on Ozark Radio News and DeeDee's magic is all around town--whether you're aware or not. They really are an amazing couple. 

Send them lot of love from us for sharing! Thank you, DeeDee and Ed! 

x Keely 


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