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Living Dreams: Paige Wunder

Living Dreams: Paige Wunder

This section is called Living Dreams. So often I meet people that I'm intrigued by. Just by speaking with them, I think, "You're living your life, not anyone else's, but the one you're supposed to be living." I'd like to introduce you to some of these most wonderful people, too. It may be their philosophy on life, their love, their passion. You don't have to agree with or like everything that everyone says. The point of this is not to reaffirm everything we already believe but instead challenge us to new heights. Hopefully, we engage an open heart where people are free to be different and not a threat, thus shaping us into more loving people.

So I'm serious, people. No rude and mean comments; I will delete them. Show each of our guests all of the respect. You can still walk away with your beliefs in tact; no one is asking you to throw them away--only asking you to listen with love.

This week, I spoke with Paige. Paige and I met probably ten years ago on a group trip to Italy. We were immediately connected by our love of wild clothing patterns and travel. While my traveling has slowed down a bit, Paige has had some pretty amazing adventures, which happens to be accompanied with a kind spirit. We also share a love of writing. She chronicles her travels on her blog, For the Love of Wanderlust

Keely: I always start with this: Tell me what you love. I'm not so interested with what you "do." I'd rather know what you love. 

Paige: I love taking adventures. It's not a secret to anyone who knows me that I love to travel, but in the last few years, I've come to love little adventures in every day life as well (not that I've stopped loving the big ones). I love getting outside, exploring new cultures and even the adventures I find on Netflix during a cozy night in with my husband. I guess, you could actually say I love living. 

Keely: What a beautiful answer! What are some of your favorite examples of every day adventures that you've taken?

Paige: I love taking drives on country roads, writing in a cafe, taking walks with Matt, reading a good book, trying a new recipe, playing with succulents or gardening. I think everything can be an adventure if you have the mindset that whatever you're doing is exciting and has the potential to be memorable. 

Keely: Yes! What about big adventure favorites?

Paige: Oh my gosh. Where do I even start? I love to hike in mountains--North Carolina has my favorite mountains. I loved my 3.5 months in Southeast Asia. In fact, I loved it so much that I just bought a one-way ticket back there. I studied Cultural Anthropology and Eastern Religion in college, so Asia has a huge piece of my heart. 

I'm always up for exploring the canyons and formations in the American Southwest. Oh, and my honeymoon in Hawaii! Kauai was just paradise. We hiked almost 40 miles on our honeymoon which was just amazing! I can ramble about trips for days... If I can get outside or connect with people, I'm a happy adventurer. 

Keely: I really love your heart for travel. What is it that you love about adventure? Even more so, why do you think adventure and travel is so important? 

Paige: I can't even begin to tell you all of the things that travel has taught me. I truly believe that travel has given me the greatest education, and that alone makes it worth it. The added bonus is all the amazing things I've seen along the way. I've learned so much about myself, I've gained a trust in and understanding of humankind, a bigger value for what I have a better sense of home and gratitude for my family... I just think everyone should do whatever it takes to take at least one big adventure that pushes you outside your comfort zone. I am who I am today because of the trips I've taken. It's a cliche, but I truly think that travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer--richer in spirit, in knowledge, and in experiences. 

Keely: That's such a beautiful quote about what travel does, and I couldn't agree more with that. What have you noticed about yourself (and maybe in others) that has changed since you've taken the approach to treat every day like an adventure? 

Paige: I've found that I'm more at peace. I used to feel unfulfilled by everyday life. I wanted to be anywhere but at home, and sometimes anywhere but where I was. Even if I was traveling, I was thinking of the next place. Being more focused on the present moment and treating those present moments like each one is a potential adventure has given me a much greater appreciation for all the little parts of life, and the days that I'm not as fulfilled are fewer and further between.

I also think that my relationships have been strengthened by this because I think I've become much more attentive to the people I care about. 

Keely: Yes. I can so relate to that feeling. You deceive yourself into believing that living life is out there somewhere rather than all of the little moments in front of you right now and make up both of your life. 

So recently, you started a completely new kind of adventure, marriage. Tell me about this adventure!

Paige: It's so true! And those moments can be just as beautiful! It's a whole new adventure, and it's one I'm so happy to be on. Matt and I had a whirlwind romance. We had our first date the night before I moved back to Missouri to prep for a big trip (we both lived in Asheville, NC). We were engaged a little over a month later. Now, we've been married for seven months! 

Getting to share life with him is the biggest blessing I've ever received. He's just so full of life and joy-- it's infectious. He's insanely creative, and we totally feed off of each other and push each other in such a supportive way. 

Keely: Wow! It seems like most of the best couples happen in a hurry! So from first date to engagement, there was about a month? He sounds like a perfect match for you, truly. How did you know that he was "the one"? (Pardon my use of cheesy phrasing.)

Paige: It sounds so crazy, I know! I thought it was crazy! Honestly, I think I knew on the first date. He and I had this instant connection, and it was like we had been best friends. our entire lives. Something just clicked. We had a long-distance relationship for the entire first month, so we talked non-stop, and the more we talked the more I knew. Everything about it was so real and so healthy. 

Keely: It's crazy beautiful, my friend. I seriously love this story. And how did you guys end up on a date?

Paige: Well, in preparation for my 3.5 month backpack trip, I took on as much work as possible in Asheville, and one of those jobs was working at Target. Matt managed the Target I was working at. 

I always thought he was cute, and we would always smile at each other and talk in the break room, but I didn't think much of it. He wasn't allowed to date anyone below him. I accidentally let it slip that I thought he was cute and the person I told had been told by Matt that he thought I was cute! 

So after days of thinking about it, the night of our last shift together, I asked him out. He says that he was looking for me to ask me out the same night... I'm not sure if I believe it, though. Haha. Luckily for me, he said yes, and the next day we went on our first date!

Keely: Oh my gosh. That is the sweetest. And how did he ask you?

Paige: To marry him? 

Keely: Yes. Sorry! Or did you ask him? <3 

Paige: Haha. Just wanted to be sure. He asked me. We both love the outdoors, and I had told him about this lake just north of my parents' home in Springfield. While he was in town to meet my family, I took him there, and he gave a short little speech about how he felt about me and then asked me there. It was really simple, intimate, and from the heart. 

Keely: I sincerely think this is the sweetest story. I am so happy for you! So while we're on the subject of love, soulmates: yes or no? What is it about some relationships (yours included) that reek of something a little deeper, a little different? 

Paige: Thank you so much! I didn't believe in soulmates before Matt. I thought it was just something people said because it made them feel happy or special. Now, I think it's real. I'm not sure who or what or why or how, but I think Matt is my soulmate.

I'm not saying that because we're soulmates nothing could go wrong or that every single day is easy. But I think we balance each other and push each other in such a unique way that I believe it's because we were meant to be together. 

Keely: So let's talk about your next, big adventure as a couple. What is this that you have in the works for the two of you?

Paige: Well, we actually have the biggest trip of our lives coming up! On September 12, we're taking off to Southeast Asia with no return date and very loose plans. 

We're starting in Thailand where we'll spend Matt's birthday in the mountains up north then making our way through Laos and Cambodia revisiting old favorites and exploring new ones before spending Christmas and the weeks around it in one of my favorite places on earth-- Bali. 

We'll then figure out a path to India by March where we're celebrating my birthday by attending the Holi Festival. Around late April or early May we'll be meeting up with family in England! We can evaluate our financial and mental state at that point to see if we'll continue wandering or head back home. 

I'm so excited to get to travel long-term with Matt. It's going to be tough being with the same person 24/7 for almost an entire year, but it's going to make us stronger as a couple, and we'll have so many amazing memories to share for the rest of our lives! 

Keely: I wish I could give you a hug right now. It's magical and beautiful, and I love it. Thank you for sharing your story!

And I love your blog, For The Love of Wanderlust! You go in much more depth about your travel and travel dreams. It's very informative and fun. You want to talk about you blog a little bit? Tell us more about it and what connection your blog brings to you about travel and about life. 

Paige: I wish I could give you a hug, too! Thank you for letting me share my story! I never turn down the chance to gush about Matt. I'm truly so lucky. 

Thank you so much! My blog is definitely my baby. I've been writing for about 5 years now, and it's gone through a lot of changes. I started blogging as a way to reflect on my own adventures. What I didn't realize would happen is that would be introduced to this beautiful world of bloggers and travelers. The connections I've made have been life-changing.

I mean, I actually have blogging to thank for meeting Matt when you lay it all out. Not only have I been able able to make friends with other bloggers, I've received emails and comments from people who I've helped plan trips or given travel advice to. 

In fact, that's my favorite part about blogging. It's become my personal mission--to help others take their own journeys. I never thought when I started putting my story out there that people would connect to it or that it would become the career I really want to pursue. It's just truly been an incredible journey. 

Keely: Such a gift that gives back to you. It seems like everybody's careers should work like that. And really! No greater honor than sending someone else on their own journey.

You're inspiring, Paige--all around. Thank you so much for giving so much insight today. It's always fun to get to talk with you. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about before we wrap up?  

Paige: You're too sweet. I definitely want to just encourage everyone to do what they can to live a full adventure! Thank you so much for taking the time to interview and letting me share my story! 

Keely: Well, I'm ever so grateful. 

Isn't Paige the sweetest? She's an all around inspiring person, and I'm grateful to call her friend. She recently did a super fun post called Ozarks Brewery Guide where she traveled the Ozarks visiting breweries and interviewing their owners. She also did a really fun interview of her parents about what it's like to be the parent of an adult child that loves to wander. Check that out here.  

Let's send Paige all of the love and goodness we have to thank her for sharing her heart and story with us. Oh! You can find Paige's blog here and follow her on Facebook here. And with her big trip coming up, you're definitely going to want to stay tuned! We love you, Paige!

x Keely 



