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They're Doing It; They Must Be Good At It

They're Doing It; They Must Be Good At It

Have you ever had the thought that there is someone out there that knows what the heck is going on? 

I went through a long cycle in life where I would pick certain people who I thought had things figured out--like they knew all that needed to be known. They knew how to life, if you will. When that person would turn out to be human, I would move onto the next person and think, "Okay. Now this is the person who has everything figured out."

It took me a long time to realize that this is their first time at life, too. They've never done it before, either. 

See, we grow up thinking that our parents know all the answers, which is typically the truth at that point in life. They usually do know what's best for us at that age. Then circumstances get a little more complicated and the answers just aren't as clear, but we still expect them or someone else to have figured things out. What a mess! A completely unfair mess. Who could live up to that expectation! 

Obviously, I'm not saying that there isn't wisdom and that parents have a whole lot of it. But you guys, we've got to stop looking outward for all of our answers. They just don't exist out there. I do believe there are answers to every single occurrence that comes our way--for the good and the bad. I also believe that relationships with one another are vital and completely necessary. 

At the end of the day, though, you're the only one who knows what choice you need to make. And unfortunately, at the end of the day, you're the only who can make that call. You don't want to put that power into someone else's hands anyway. 

This should be encouraging. The answers for everything you need are right at reach. You don't have to go searching. You don't have to depend on someone else. You just have to listen. 

I used to believe that because someone was doing it (whatever it was) that it must mean they were good at it. Like if they were the ones making all the decisions and they looked confident enough, it was probably because they were good at making decisions and knew what they were doing. And if someone told me that they played basketball, they were probably good because they were doing it. 

And I had this lie surrounding me that I couldn't do any of it because I wasn't already good at it. But you know how those good people got good at doing it? They did it. It's true. At some point, there is only so much reading and thinking and planning you can do. You have to just do it, then doing it gives you the wisdom and knowledge you need. And guess what else? It's completely okay to not know everything you need to know when you start. It's also totally okay to not know everything you need to know when you've been at it a while. 

The cold hard fact is no one knows everything. Some people know a whole awful lot because they've put themselves out there and maybe even bit the dust a time or two, which is awesome. When we are vulnerable enough to just start doing, we get the freedom and we get the fulfillment. 

It's okay, friends. None of us know. That's why it's all the more important to treat one another with the utmost grace. We're all out here trying to get it. But I promise you, there are answers for whatever you need to know. And if you're still long enough and choose to listen close enough, you'll get your answer. 

Photo Story: This is the Tower Bridge in London, England across the River Thames. I took this photo about 8 years ago while visiting with my mom, my brother, my sister-in-law, and boyfriend of the time. I've never actually been in Tower Bridge, but I have been under it. Although, if you ever do choose to go up and inside, there is a glass floor to make your experience all the more terrifying. This bridge was build over 120 years ago. It is truly stunning, although the initial critique was that it was gaudy and pretentious but now is regarded as a top site to see while visiting. And that's just the thing. Sometimes you have a vision for something that is so dear and beautiful. It may not be appreciated right off and you may never even see the appreciation yourself. That doesn't mean you don't keep doing what you know to do. It just isn't about how it's received; it's about staying true.  

All the good, good stuff, my friends. 

x Keely

That Is Not Your Voice

That Is Not Your Voice

