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Voices, Voices Everywhere

Voices, Voices Everywhere

Have you ever been trying to make a decision or been in the middle of some sort of transition when all of the sudden someone else's opinion jumps into your mind? It could be a friend, a family member, someone who has made a demeaning comment to you, or maybe even your own voice talking down to you. Whoever the voice, sometimes they stop us in our tracks and make us question what we thought we knew. Now don't misunderstand me. There is absolutely a time and a place to get the advice of others' we respect. However, in the end, we make the call (even if it's the wrong one.) And you guys, we gotta give the same respect back. 

We kind of go through life at times thinking there is someone out there who has the answer. Someone out there has figured out life and all of the answers. (And some people are pretty convincing that they have.) That is not the case. And you know what else? It's totally okay to not have all of the answers. In fact, it's kind of a relief. I happen to think that we are not supposed to have all of the answers, that not having all of the answers brings us back to humility, back to the voice who does have the answers. 

Sometimes ignoring the voice doesn't quite work that well. A good practice to try is to talk back to those voices as if the people really are standing there questioning your every decision. 

Friend in Head: That will never work. All that will do is mess up everything. That is the wrong decision. Whatever you do, don't do that. Life will not go on if you choose that way. 
You: I appreciate your input, but I feel really good about my decision. Even if I'm wrong, it's my decision to make and life will most certainly still go on. 

This is actually really great practice if that friend actually does approach you with their opinion on your actions; then you're prepared (and don't really owe them an explanation anyway.) 

Like I said, I think part of the make up of life is that when we need answers, it draws us closer to who does. These are the moments we get up extra early or stay up a little later to really hear what we would believe to be the best route to take. And I truly believe in these moments, the answers come. I believe the answers are coming at us constantly; sometimes we just have to slow down and ask then listen.

You guys know what I'm talking about. We've all had that story where we were in a situation that didn't have tangible evidence but intuition kicked in and we knew we needed out of that place ASAP. This is who I would call God. Set aside time for those moments to come more frequently. The other voices don't matter anyway. If they belong in your life, they'll stay even when you're wrong. But there is a consistent person who shows up and does have answers. 

x Keely  

Life On Pause

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