Welcome to Et Cetera Blog. 



So we've decided to make some changes to the blog (maybe you've noticed already). Nothing huge, but it will hopefully help you navigate a little better. 

We've broken the blog into four categories: 

  • At The Crossroads
    • At The Crossroads' focus will be that of what we're going to call spiritual care. It's the everyday little conversations and voices. These writing will hopefully lead us to a healthier version of ourselves to have healthier interactions and relationships. Usually we're writing about what we're working on, so there's some honesty for you. These are the typical posts you see, but now they'll just fall under a particular category. 
  • Living Dreams
    • Living Dreams has kind of been in motion for a couple of months. These are the interviews. The intention with these conversations is to open our minds and our hearts--hopefully hearing from people we don't always get to talk to. And even if we don't agree, we're practicing to listen and take away what settles with you and leave behind what doesn't. It's also to inspire. We want to inspire all of those things stirring inside of you to come out. They might not look like any of these people we talk to, but we hope it gives you a boost of courage to step up and step out. 
  • Peering In
    • Peering In is a new concept. Over the next few months, we're going to invite some guest bloggers onto the page. This gives them an opportunity to share what's on their heart in their style of doing so. And hopefully, it introduces you to some new content to follow. 
  • Et Cetera
    • Et Cetera gives us some flexibility. Sometimes we like to try new things. Sometimes they're one time things, sometimes they're more frequent but not often. With Et Cetera, we have some freedom to do whatever creatively and fun we have brewing. It will also be the place to find our blog updates, such as this one. 

There will be no real changes, but it may help you actually navigate the site better if you want to look for more content (that's similar). You can also click About to read a more condensed version of what each section will be. 

Thank you so much for being loyal readers. You will never know what it means to have you show up every week. Lots of love to you (and all the good stuff!)

x Keely

Living Dreams: Paige Wunder

Living Dreams: Paige Wunder

