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That's Not Fair

That's Not Fair

Whenever we feel the "That's not fair!" anthem screaming from inside of us, I believe that's right. What is born out of that is another story. 

Justice. I'm just beginning to understand the truth of justice. I've always wanted it to be synonymous with revenge. But that's just not what it is. 

I believe real, true justice is fair. I believe that justice does not have to mean punishment. I believe justice acknowledges a wrong; I believe there is integrity in justice. I also believe that a satisfaction will develop when justice is served. 

But what is it? How can there be grace and justice? Mercy and fairness? Does it have to look the same with every case? I don't think it does. I also don't think grace and justice are separate. I think it can be incredibly merciful for someone to have consequences. 

I think true justice brings change. I know I've had times of consequences and times of minimal repercussions and both brought a change. 

Justice is a process. Sometimes it seems like it's a big kaboom, but I believe most justice is a process. And I think we have to learn to trust that and trust we will be satisfied. And most importantly, humble ourselves in knowing that we don't always actually know answers. 

Keep requiring justice but keep growing your grace. 

Photo Story: Some photos don't tell stories in words. I don't have a personal story about these, but I do love, love. These are the Painted Ladies in San Francisco. 

x Keely 

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