Welcome to Et Cetera Blog. 

2017 Holiday Donation List

2017 Holiday Donation List

Here are some of my favorite places to give to year-round!

Charity: Water
Speak Up For The Poor
Preemptive Love Coalition
One Child Matters
Boys & Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area
Martha Vance Samaritan Outreach
West Plains Christian Clinic

Obviously, this does not even begin to touch all the good that goes on, especially in this community. I've added a couple to the list that I couldn't quite squeeze onto my template. 

Anyway, give away! Lots of love!

Holiday Donation List Looking for a place outside of those closest to you to give? Here are some of our favorites. Et Cetera Blog ET-CETERA-BLOG.COM

Gift Guide: Cozy Blues Edition

Gift Guide: Cozy Blues Edition

Pesky Trust

Pesky Trust