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Picasso Baby

Picasso Baby

This is my last post about my trip, I promise. But I couldn't move on without sharing a little about one of the coolest experiences of the trip.

The Museu Picasso in Barcelona is one of the largest Picasso collections in the world. It was so surreal to see some of his work in real life. The museum itself is located in small, cute little alley. You certainly wouldn't know you were walking by a giant Picasso museum unless you were looking for it. We were looking for it, and still got lost.

The collections are set up so that the viewer can see the progression of Pablo's work. So, the first paintings I saw were from 14 year old Pablo. This setup was a fascinating way to experience his incredible art. I left the exhibit dying for a piece of his work, even just a tiny scribble from one of his notepads. As Jay-Z once said, "I just want a Picasso, in my casa." Is that so much to ask for?

I took some (forbidden) pictures.

x Halley


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