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Freedom is such an important gift we can give ourselves. You see, freedom isn't just a word that we use to describe what our country offers to us. Freedom is an active, on-going way of living. And nearly always it requires some action on our part to keep it. 

I think that people are constantly trying to take one another's freedom because we don't know what real freedom is, believing if we somehow can get someone else to operate like us, then we really are free to be. When our freedom feels threatened, we start to feel controlled or maybe even start to try to control. 

Real freedom is a state of being. It's a mindset that you choose that you will follow your you-est you regardless of what you might lose. Freedom isn't something that a policy, an affirmation, or even a country can give to you (although we are blessed to be in a country up upholds it). It's a choice. Your choice. So don't fall for the idea that there's only one right way to do anything. As soon as you do, you've given up your freedom. 

Depending on someone else to grant you freedom isn't real freedom. Your hope is still and will always be in an outside source if that's where you look for it. 

To really honor those who've devoted their lives to give us the freedom to choose, well, freedom, we have to choose freedom. It's important. It has to be a pretty huge deal for people to literally be willing to risk their lives for it. Let's be brave enough to embrace our freedom, even if the cost is scary. 

"People are always talking about freedom, and how to live a certain way. 'Course the more you live a certain way, the less it feels like freedom." - I'm Not There 

x Keely

Let's Talk About Love

Let's Talk About Love

